Sunday 3 August 2014

The Liebster Award!

I was so surprised to find out that I had been nominated for the Liebster Award by Megan and even though I hadn't heard of this before, I couldn't wait to participate.

  • Link back to the person that nominated you.
  • Write 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer all the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • After completing these questions, you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice. 
  • You must not nominate the person who nominated you.
  • You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to post so they can learn about it.
11 Facts About Me!
1) I love to dance and my dream is to be a professional backing dancer.
2) Not many people believe me when I tell them I'm a twin, this is due to the fact that we look nothing alike.
3) I have a weird phobia of hiccups.
4) In my free time I love reading, listening to music, reading and writing blogs and watching Youtube video's.
5) My favourite drink is one of the Limited Edition Lucozade's in the flavour Brazilian.
6) My favourite food is probably cooked Salmon.
7) I just love an Australian accent.
8) I love movie/chiller days with my friends.
9) I love a good chick flick.
10) One of my all time favourite songs is One Rebublic - Counting Stars.
11) My favourite colours are - Baby pink, Baby blue and Mint green.

Question's from Megan!
1- If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? If I could be any animal it would probably be a Boo dog as they are thee cutest things ever.
2- Heels or Flats? Heels.
3- What book are you reading right now? Currently none but I really want to read The One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher.
4- What blog inspired you to start your own? There wasn't one in particular as I've read that many but because I'm always reading them it just made sense to start one really.
5- What 3 celebrities would you invite to your birthday party? That's so difficult as I love soo many celebrities but Niall Horan would definitely be on my list, then probably Lee Evans as I think he is absolutely hilarious, then maybe Harry Judd.
6- If you could change your name, what would you call yourself? I'm not really sure as I kind off like my name as not many people I know are called Eleanor but it would be something really unusual.
7- Guilty pleasure? Definitely an Australian Accent.
8- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? There's quite a few things I'd like to change about myself but I'm not really happy sharing them so for now I'd probably say my eyes, I'd love to have blue or green eyes.
9- What is your favourite quote? Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to Dance in the Rain.
10- Describe your dream holiday. Sun, sand, cocktails and adventures.
11- How long have you been a blogger and what do you love about it? I've only been a blogger for about a month now but I just love everything associated with it and I love how supportive other bloggers are.
My Nominations
By the way, I wasn't sure what it really meant by 200 followers so I went off the amount of followers on BlogLovin

My Questions
1) If you could do a collaboration with any blogger, who would you choose and why?
2) What/Who inspired you to become a blogger? 
3) If you could spend a day with a celebrity, who would it be? 
4) Your favourite holiday? 
5) What's your proudest moment/achievement? 
6) What's your favourite book? 
7) What do you love about being a blogger? 
8) What's your guilty pleasure? 
9) Tea or Coffee?
10) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
11) If you could give a piece of advise to a new blogger, what would it be? 

So there you go, 11 facts about me, my answers, my nominations and their questions. Do you have any interesting facts about yourself, why not leave a comment below telling me what they are?

Enjoy your day, 
Eleanor! X

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